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Translate English Arabic أبرح ضرباً

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  • I lure you in by beating the fuck out of you.
    إبرحه ضربا
  • Oh, kick his fucking ass, Dougie!
    ! إبرحه ضربا
  • Kick it in the ass.
    أبرحه ضرباً
  • Shut him up.
    أبرحه ضربا
  • Kick his ass.
    أبرحه ضرباً
  • He was actually beaten pretty bad.
    .هو أبرحَ ضرباً
  • - Hit the shit out of him! - Right!
    - أبرحه ضربا! - صحيح
  • No! BOY: Finish him off, Tyler!
    !لا - !(أبرحه ضرباً (تايلور -
  • He beat the shit out of her.
    لقد أبرحها ضرباً
  • Find the real one and beat his ass into the ground.
    .أجد الحقيقيّ وأبرحه ضرباً